First this is one of the best litrpg books I’ve ever listened to. I found myself laughing out loud constantly. The characters play so well off each other. The narrator does an incredible job bringing the characters all to life. Frank is awesome.

Mild spoiler alert I say mild because it doesn’t take long to figure this out. Unlike most other books in this genre it does not take someone from Earth and drop them into a game and if they die game’s over. It is literally just a game. It’s like following someone who is playing a video game with the ups and downs and the occasional deaths. It’s very well written lots of fun and for those that don’t like all the stats it’s not super huge on having the stats pop up constantly.

I would recommend this book to anyone that is even considering reading a book in this genre or just a fantasy book. It’s just a good book all around. I already purchased books two and three and I’ll be starting on number two when I wake up in the morning. If you’re thinking about buying this book do it with a credit so you can return it if you don’t like it, but I’ll tell you now that that will probably not happen.