enjoyed the world and character building/development. I really enjoy the myriad of underlying motivations for each character. Sara never writes disposable cookie cutter characters. A seemingly disposable character is going to die in battle? let’s really make you feel their loss and give them a backstory! I for one enjoy the detail she includes. It creates organic interactions and breathes life not only into her characters, but the cultures and different species as well. It’s also so, so much easier to just NOT include such details. would the story still be great? sure, but it’s the extra detail, especially the small, often overlooked bits that are included which really set her work apart from many others. Also, I can’t finish this review without congratulating jeff hays for another wonderful job. The attention to detail and skill on display is always second to none. His quilty work, along with Sara’s continued input and attention to detail only adds to the quality of this series in the audiobook format.