All of Franklin Horton’s books are automatic downloads for me and will continue to be. As long as there are more stories about these characters and their world I will continue listening. Even though this book wasn’t as fast paced or as full of action as the past books in the series, it was still a very enjoyable listen . At some point the story has to pivot, it has been a while since the “apocalypse” started. This book takes the story in a new direction. I’m sure in future books there will be plenty of action, suspense and mayhem to go around, especially after the semi crossover of the 2 series. Even though each series is still independent I loved the previous crossover of characters in the Mad Mick series. Even though there is no crossover of characters in this book I hope to see more of it in the future.

Just to clarify Jim was not “starting a whorehouse”, ladies who are trying to survive their various circumstances have banded together in an effort to support each other and are already running a brothel. Jim offers them a business arrangement as a way to bring in more customers to the Roadhouse they are setting up. A Roadhouse they envision as serving several purposes. It is absolutely hilarious that the ladies decline Jim’s offer as they feel he will tarnish their reputations. Anyone who has listened to this series by now has been exposed to numerous things that are all likely to occur in a SHTF situation. Killing, murder, torture, theft, starvation, government corruption, etc, have all been a part of the series. It is a SHTF series , the apocalypse will never be rated G. Although I will concede that I was a little surprised Jim would even consider the ladies being part of the roadhouse, but he had his reasons.

As always Kevin Pierce does an absolutely fantastic job narrating the story. The books wouldn’t be the same without him.