Well first off, the writing was boring and everything just overly decompressed. Which considering how short the book is means well its a bad tiding. Every action was overly detailed, and the conversations were just so stilted and boring the details have already fled my brain. At one point that made me sigh in exasperation though was when the guy said “Yes the [monster name] are dangerous thus time of year.” and she replied “Yes, that is true.” This was like the third time they touched on this this ‘casual’ conversation and it was going no where and I was getting frustrated and impatient so I started skipping ahead in 30 second bursts.

Which proved to be a good idea because I ended up missing absolutely nothing by jumping ahead. Which should tell you how pointless and fillerish the conversations were.

Lastly, Its apparently supposed to be an actual video game. But the world functions just like a litrpg world. The combination is incongrous at best, nonsensical at worst. So I hated that.

Together it was enough for me to put a nail in this book pretty darn quick.