Overall, this was a good story and I enjoyed it. I just had a couple of issues with it.
Spoiler Alert:
The main characters are embarking on an apocalyptic journey. End times tend to bring out the bad people. The family encounters bad men on a boat that try to harm the mother and her son, the father shoots them. You would think that the family would be thankful to the father for protecting them, but instead give him a bunch of crap about how it was wrong. Then they have another encounter with bad guys that try to run them off the road. The father saves them by tossing a flare into the other vehicle. Again, the family tells him what a terrible person he is.
That just did not make sense to me. The other thing that bothered me about the story was that whenever the family encountered a problem they had miraculous good luck. There’s a tidal flood? They happen to find boats. They need a vehicle? There happens to be a pickup fully stocked with supplies sitting in the open with keys in it. They are about to be killed by bad guys and luckily another group of bad guys shows up to fight the other bad guys and they forget about the family allowing them to escape. Need a safe place to rest for a bit? Ok, here’s a veterinarian that can supply you with antibiotics and, by the way, has a 6-acre, fenced, multi-building prepper compound with food and a stock of weapons. The surprising good luck became unbelievable after a while. Then, after the family yelled at the dad the whole time about hurting others to protect them, they do the same thing and shoot a bad guy.