The edgelord sounding title gave me pause in choosing to pick this book up, but I found out very quickly that it’s just as much a joke about throwing shade as it is a relevant name for a great book. Travis Baldree did a fantastic job of bringing this story to life. The overall story was very well written, the characters were all at least vaguely relatable and the humor, relationships, and interactions were all entertaining and meaningful. This book is traditional to the genre in that it is about people playing a game but managed to be as emersive as litrpg series like Noobtown or Dungeon Crawler Carl. The story doesn’t break with it’s theme or have any spots where you feel like it’s slowing down or leaving you feeling bored or zoned out – though the main character sounds like a boring trope at the beginning of the book you quickly figure out there is more to who he is as the story progresses. Overall the book is satisfying from beginning to end and left me disappointed only in that the sequel is not yet released.