Not only a Great addition to the series but nothing is better than a story being as good as you hope it will be. Morian and Paul are awesome. I love the fact Paul did not get a makeover as often happens to characters when “their” book finally gets written. He is the guy we have come to know thru Trisha and theother girls….steadfast, loyal, true to his word and incredibly competent. Good characters, a real story with a plot and enjoyable to read without a ton of errors unlike many books these days.

The audible narration is fabulous. David Brenin does an outstanding job with all the different characters and the story itself. Romance is tough. Maybe it is me but narrators often make me cringe especially during the lusty scenes. From the first book to this one, I did not have to get used to him or need to find a way to listen to the story without focusing on the narration or more to the point an annoying voice that either makes every sentence sound like it ends in an exclamation point or a parody of what it should sound like. Brenin does an outstanding job bringing this story to life.