1st: modify the audio speed to 1.20 or 1.25. (It will revert back occasionally) If you don’t, the narration speed is unbearably slow. This also helps address the noticable breathing pattern of the narrator.
I liked this story more and more, once I realized the victim isnt meant to develop into a stereotypical heroine.
2nd: keep in mind, the main character IS a hostage, in every sense of the word. The other characters treating her captivity like they are doing her some “great a favor, that shes too irrational to appreciate” is some true gaslighting bullshit.
3rd: The main character is a victim, and not a “hero”, she has watched her mother get murdered; has no idea why this is all happening to her; is intentionally kept uninformed by her “protectors”; EVERYONE, is either trying to kill her, or is continuously threatening to kill her; and she seems to exists in a constant state of fear and panic. Considering this, I found her more than occasional, irrational behavior forgivable.