Is there anything you would change about this book?
It gets REALLY irritating when authors submit their work as a full book when they are really a portion of a book. All 4 in this series should have been combined into ONE decent size book. Story is okay, but a little slow. When authors do this, it irritates the readers and they eventually figure out how much they are paying for the book and look elsewhere.
Would you recommend Turning Point: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Fiction Series to your friends? Why or why not?
Unfortunately, not. It’s not that I have a big issue with the writing…. though there were a few places I didn’t feel the proper word or phrase was used, but the series is really one book split up for profit.
Could you see Turning Point: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Fiction Series being made into a movie or a TV series? Who should the stars be?
Yes. It would be a decent mini series. However, it would have to be 2 hour episodes because otherwise there wouldn’t be enough action.
Any additional comments?
Bobby Akart….. you should not have changed narrators in the last book. I know it was probably beyond your control….