Never heard of this story before, so it was nice to learn about it. Having said that, the book was over the top in regards to the people referenced therein! The detectives who were assigned to both cases are described as maybe the smartest people EVER! They just KNEW the whole truth from the moment they heard about the case. They had telepathic powers used to just KNOW what their colleagues were thinking or about to say! It was ridiculous to describe them in this way. As everyone knows, hindsight is 20/20, so it would have been understandable for the author to explain it that way, but instead the author described the patrolman, the detectives, the prosecutor, etc., etc., as if they had the whole true story figured out from the get go. How many stories have we heard where the detectives in a story just KNEW about every aspect of the case, only to find out they were completely wrong, yet still dedicated to sending the wrong person to prison/death row?? I just found the description of these perfect thinking, superhuman intelligent, flawless morality having cops they could NEVER make a mistake a bit too much to swallow! Did they get the right person this time? Yes. Did they successfully prosecute said criminal? Yes. So why embellish the story?? I understand the need to fill a book, but fill it with facts, not unnecessary embellishments about the people involved.