I really enjoyed the story line and the emotion that the narrators conveyed in Blurred Red Lines. However, the accents were AWFUL! Ugh!! The female MC is supposed to be from Houston. The only “accent” she had was to drop the -ing from every word; the word pushing became pushin’ and driving became drivin’. Not only was this totally irritating, but it certainly has NO resemblance to any Texas accent. I’ve lived in TX for 25+ years and no one here speaks like this character! Also, the male main character is supposed to be a Mexican national living in Texas. His Spanish accent was done substantially better but his pronunciation of the word “you” always came out as “zhou”. The Spanish alphabet contains the letter “y” and Mexicans use the sound with ease, so this was a misinterpretation for sure. It sounded really phony, which distracted the listener from the story line. I also noticed mispronunciation of some Spanish words! We have so many native Spanish speakers with narration/voiceover talents in the US. It would have been more respectful to cast one of these folks as the male main character. Anyway, if you can stand the contrived and unrealistic accents, you may just enjoy the story.