So, after the 6th book, that hating it so much I couldn’t believe it, I wasn’t going to read another Jon Reznick story. BUT I gave in and read this one. It turned out pretty good but I’m real tired of his daughter. In book 6 I wrote this in my review, “To make matters worse he finds out, at 80% of the book, after his daughter is all better, that she is a student of Krav Maga, can shoot and carries a gun, all the while she’s a college student.” In this book she was nothing but a smart-a$$. AND J.B. Turner keeps making Jon a cold-blooded killer, not that the gang-banger didn’t deserve it, but still, he was on the ground and unarmed, but Jon shot him in the head twice. I’m not sure I’ll read book 8 when it’s out. He’s making our hero not much of a hero. IMO.

No sex or romance and the F-bomb was used 118 times.

As to the narration: Jeffrey Kafer has a good reading voice and he’s getting much better at doing feminine voices.