This is a very interesting story idea.
I only have 2 complaints, which are personal preferences of mine. I don’t like the constant swearing by nearly all the characters, I think it’s kinda lazy to just have them repeat the same curses over and over, regardless if they are happy or mad. It also makes listening to the story around my young children nearly impossible. My other complaint is the (what feels like) a strange push by characters to make the main character gay. Just because some of the characters are doesn’t mean she has to be. I like her better not interested in romance at all, and I hope she stays that way for the rest of the series. I actually would feel the same even if all the characters were straight.

This is a very interesting take on this sort of story. It’s frequently very funny, and the character growth is interesting to follow. I am very curious to see if she ever gets that loaf of bread.