I think it may need a little work. Not more action or drama. Just the right amount of comedic relief and wholesomenes. Details are in there with very little left unfinished (save for the main plot of course), The book only covers new information versus books like “He who fights with monsters” that repeats the same and updated information often. This is good as to not slow the pacing down. I think the missing peice is the main characters depth. The MC has a very shallow mindset on goals. He needs to gain strength and enjoys trying to find more ways to gather it, but for what? For someone’s else’s goal? It’s great that he is doing things for others, but it leave him floundering in a sense. (Yes this was an reference PUN). I think he need a true goal or an end goal to make this growth of his mean something. Getting strong for strengths sake is unmotivating in my opinion. I hope the next book will cover this missing detail a bit more. This series has amazing potential.