I was provided this review copy audiobook at no charge by the author, publisher, and/or narrator.

Jeffrey Kafer did an excellent job narrating this book. It was very entertaining and Damon and Ava were great characters. Ava was a bit too headstrong but I liked how she aggravated Damon. I was really in love Damon’s voice and he was a really great character.

The story was interesting and I like this different take on werewolves. But I would have liked to be more interaction with the pack. Jodi certainly fleshed out Damon’s character and I felt like I really knew him as a character. Ava was ok. I think for a woman who was kidnapped by werewolves and not knowing that she too is a wolf, jumped into the fray a little easily and just wanted throw herself into danger just because. I did get sexual chemistry with Damon though.

This was a good start to the series and I hope Jeffrey Kafer narrates the rest of the series because I really love his voice.