This was my first experience with Kiki Clark and Kirt Graves and I really enjoyed it. Clark has created a really unique world here – shifters but without the typical fated mates aspect, though it’s definitely instant attraction. While each book in the series follows the relationship of a couple giving them an HEA, there’s also a series story arc that runs throughout the books, so you’ll want to listen to them all and in order.

There’s a lot of world building going on but Clark does a good job of keeping it interesting and I didn’t feel like the pace was affected by it. While Rick & Kai are wolf- shifters – the Kincaid Pack is made up of various animals as well as seers and witches. I’m a fan of books with kids in them and while not exactly a “single dad” trope – Kai’s responsibility for his younger siblings definitely brings all of those feels to the story. I also like that the kids are not just convenient props, Clark has made them an integral and believable aspect.

There are some heavy elements in here such as abuse, violence, and some relationship angst. Tempered by a little bit of humor and new found family. I love the secondary characters as much as the main couple. While Rick and Kai get their HFN, the mystery surrounding attacks on the pack are just revealing themselves to be larger than anyone thinks. I’m definitely looking forward to Keiran & Bennett’s book, The Second and His Bonded.


This is my first time listening to a narration by Kirt Graves and I’m absolutely in love with his style and voices. There are a LOT of characters in this book and Graves gives them all unique voices and personalities. My favorite part is that he performs each chapter in a voice corresponding to that character which makes it easy to keep track of perspective. He’s definitely being added to my “find more!” list of narrators.