I’m leaving a review about the audio experience.

1st: I am a big fan of Soundbooth Theater. I’ve listened to lots of books that I would not have tried because Soundbooth Theater did the audio production. The actual narration was great! I enjoyed that a lot.

SOUND EFFECTS – The sound effects went over the narration and made it hard to listen to the story being told. I enjoy effects when it’s balanced well. About half the time I listen to audiobooks, I wear earphones. The sound effects were needlessly loud, made it hard to hear the story being told and hurt my ears a few times because the level would be higher for some effects.

Sometimes, I spent more time trying to figure out why a particular sound was being used for an effect than the story. Too many times, I had to repeat segments of the book because I couldn’t tell what happened due to sound effects.

Please balance out the sound effects with the story narration or make it so they do not conflict. I’m a big fan but I’m not going to pay for a bad experience that hurts my ears or makes a story unappealing due to noise pollution.