second read January 2021. Really appreciated the respect for the Bible and the encouragement to read the Bible daily. Very motivating. Respect for the Bible’s moral rules very good.
One mistake, though, is saying God is responsible for individuals dying. We all inherited sin and its consequences, death, from our first parents. Then there is the gift of free will, which some misuse. If a person engages in risky behavior, such as smoking or drinking and driving while not wearing a seat belt, the likelihood of getting cancer or into an accident go up. God is not punishing them, or choosing to harm them, it is a result of their behavior. Then Ecclesiastes 9:11 says ”…time and unforeseen occurrence befall them (us) all.”. For example the people killed or injured on 9/11 were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. God did not select them to fie. Rather it was men controlled by demonic forces who did that.
Christ’s sacrifice makes the resurrection possible, so our dead loved ones are not lost forever. Emphasis on resurrection in this book very nice.
Very much appreciated the reading of different scriptures. No swearing.
Will be listening to this again.