I very much enjoyed this book. Especially towards the end.
The story is a bit slow but that’s probably what you expect from a cultivation story.
I’m a huge fan of Travis baldree and think his narration here was top-notch.
My biggest concern with this book and series is the names of characters. It’s almost assuredly because I’m a Westerner and these are traditional Asian names but I couldn’t for the life of me keep track of more than two characters maybe three. I will re-listen to both books back to back sometime in the future and change this review if need be. Maybe back-to-back listening to a story I’ve already heard will help me come to learn the characters.
I noticed they changed the pronunciation of the word “chi”. I don’t know the exact reasoning but I assume it was make it more understandable.
if changes like that a possible from book to book maybe going forward the author could do something about the names.