There are a lot of things this book does well. The world-building is fantastic, and the fights are great. The characters feel real and are unique and add value to the story.

There are a few things the book does poorly. The most notable is the severe lack of detail. The MC’s main ability is to create/restore buildings. I don’t remember a single time that a building was described in detail, no architecture, no decor, no shape, or orientation. They are simply given… a single adjective like small or big.
The second large flaw was that the MC’s personality wasn’t compelling, he is described as having anger issues, and being emotionally traumatized by the whole apocalypse thing. But yeah… he has an emotional breakdown every other chapter. He isn’t bad enough to ruin the book, but his personal emotional experience is brought up way too much.

Overall, I would recommend this book to those who don’t mind not having a compelling, MC or imagery.