Story line and characters are fun. Narrator is dull, dry and boring.

Author makes a lot of not very intelligent plot decisions. IE a stowaway for 4 days. I can plausibly consider 0-1 days, but 4 days going on starvation is totally ridiculous. Seriously, a stowaway on a futuristic spaceship. Not likely give the tech.

Rarely he gets humor to actually be funny, IE when one character jokingly says “sometimes he beats me.” Now that was funny.

The idiot narrator says “cretin” like “krettin” and not “creetin”. He’s obviously never heard of that word.

Obviously the author’s characters formation are stolen from Star Wars. He also steals from the 5 star Expeditionary Force book series in so many ways IE wagering or betting, or the planet Uranus.

I hate it when he repeatedly uses landed or hit the floor “in a heap” 5 times. Because he repeats a lot of stupid common phrases.

Overall for a low IQ mindless SyFy book it is entertaining and you do not have to fast forward thru a lot of stupid verbosity.