Ok, look, i knew what I was getting into with a book called Morningwood, but even still I’m disappointed. It was a low bar, and the book couldn’t even reach it.

To be fair, we’re there parts of the book I enjoyed? Yes, in-fact I liked the subversion of the main protagonist being a unapologetic evil creature. He fed, killed and did as he wanted, Because, that’s what he wanted to do. No tragic backstory, no edgy crap, nothing. Unfortunately, that’s about it. I also really like the narrator, I’ve listened to a lot of his other books, and have thoroughly enjoyed how he personifies characters.

As for what I disliked… well, I have a list.
The overuse of ‘bad words’ two add that little bit more of shock value, rather than just spending a little bit more time to flesh out insults or descriptions. It ends up feeling childish and lazy.
Every female character, is described almost the same, with the word choice is making it seem like the most important part of said character, is their bust size. Ridiculously shallow to say the least.
The side characters are cardboard cutouts, barely having any other personality, rather than tsundere masochist with big breasts, or the idiot meathead that likes fighting.
The pacing felt poor, and skipped around in an attempt to create tension, but didn’t follow through enough to make it worthwhile.
Everything about this story feels as if it were objectifying women, not only that but it has a very mean spirit about it. Treating them as cruel, idiots, airheads or just hussys that only think about what’s in between men’s legs and how to use them.
The saucy bits felt hamfisted and mediocre, with some scenes feeling like they were put in just to be another time it happens rather than furthering the plot in any meaningful way. With others, it felt like the actual deed was done in a way that a 12 year old would describe it, focusing on only the most basic parts of it all. In all cases, the scenes were boring and made me want to skip.

At the end of the day, did I enjoy the book as a whole? No, and that is quite unfortunate. Personally it didn’t grab my attention enough to make me want to read on in the series.