A new action hero arrives on the scene. Our protagonist, Sam Savage is an air marshal. A former Army Ranger, Sam appears to be much more than an airlines security agent. I wasn’t aware that air marshals undertook intelligence missions, and engaged in spycraft. This seems more in the arena of CIA spooks. What do I know? Anyway, Sam is put on the trail of a New Viet Cong terrorist. The story follows Sam and double-agent heroine Cindy through Bangkok, Thailand, Cambodia, and finally into the deadly Viet Cong tunnels of Vietnam. The characters are well defined, and the action is fairly consistent. Not a bad start, although I hope for a deeper plot line if we hear more from Sam Savage. This appears to be a stand-alone novel although it could be the introduction to a new series. This audiobook was given by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review via Audiobook Boom.