I very much enjoyed Miranda Dubner’s writing style, and the story was great. I loved all the characters and the glimpse into what royal life might be like.

What I did not care for were the myriad POVs. I enjoy the dual POV that many romances have, and I enjoy single POV. It gets confusing when you throw in more than two, and this book had at least six, and possibly seven POVs. This is where the editing should have happened. I cared that each character had a HEA, or a HFN, but I’d have enjoyed all the stories more if this massive 14 hour audiobook had been broken into smaller books so that each story could have been the focus, and fleshed out more. I understand why that might have been challenging, given one major plot twist, but even with Joel Leslie’s almost miraculous gift of individualizing every character with unique voices, accents, and personalities, I still got confused as to whose POV was the focus of a chapter.

It’s a lovely story, with lots of fun dialogue and humor, but it could have been amazing with a bit more story planning and a few more shorter books. I’d still recommend listening!