Really like the lore, I feel like it’s coming together nicely, but at this point I feel like the MC should be… smarter, think more?! He’s not dumb but seems to make a lot of the same mistakes from book 1. He always seems to throw caution to the wind when things go to well, he will often times act shocked at information he receives from someone despite having prior knowledge of that same information. He is often too slow to figure things out when already having the information to piece things together, and he’s far too willing to prove his ignorance by asking incessant questions, i just think he needs to stop and think more to work things out instead of throwing a million questions at someone and not believing them. MC is ok but I get exasperated when I remember or figure things out a few sentences before him, the remembering part can’t always be helped as sometimes days or months go by before SOME information becomes relevant, but other times I just can’t help but roll my eyes.