Overall, this read like somebody telling you about an interesting thing that happened to them this month. It lacked any conflict or issues. About the most conflicting danger all happened off page before the story even started, which was the dog getting out of a yard and ending up far from home. Then what follows is some guy finds the dog, hits it off with the dogs owner, they date for a few weeks and fall in love. That’s it. The most -read: only- conflict that happens in the whole book is towards the end when the guys land lady ends up in the hospital because she’s bad at managing her diabetes. But she’s fine, no danger. Literally the safest book I’ve read. Both families are on board with the romance, so are coworkers, everyone around them, no misunderstandings, no life circumstances or past trauma or anything – it’s perfect sunshine and rainbows. And if that’s what you’re looking for, excellent! Here it is. It’s not a boring book per say. But it’s also a far cry from exciting. I kept listening because I kept assuming something -anything- would happen sooner or later. Maybe a terrible accident would happen while they went hiking or surfing and it would lead to some riveting storytelling, some truth or self revelation, anything… But nope. Can’t say this book of fluff is my cup of tea. Writing is decent and the narration is fine. Can’t say I recommend the book though.