First off, it has a story with a twist that at first appears to be 2 people unhinged. Blah blah blah, it’s good. But let’s talk about the narrators!!!! WOOOOOWWWWWW. Of course, VoEros kills it as Tony (sooooooo hotttt), but the voice for Damien is super sexy as well. These 2 men…. Whew. They can read me all the hot and sexy stories til the day I die and I’ll die one super happy woman. Seriously. Hotttt. Mercyann Summers wrote some super sexy content and having these 2 men read it is the icing on the cake. Antoinette’s narrator was also amazing as she played an amazing character- she was funny and charming, and you can’t help but love her. It’s a great story. I have listened to it twice now, but I’ll keep it around to start again in a few weeks just because the production is flawless.