Boyd Craven is a good writer. The premise of this book, although it’s been generally done before, has enough unique characteristics to make it interesting and leaves the reader wanting to know more. In this case it’s 3 couples of childless “professionals” who create a business plan of sorts to buy a big out farm to build into a prepper compound. Fair enough, I’m in.

My only issue is the heavy handed use of current political opinions by the author. The interesting thing here is the character dialogue is pretty much free of political arguments, opinions, and monologues. In some parts of the plot line and mostly in the author’s “voice” however, politics are front and center.

I get it, most people who read these books are conservative types. But there’s also a part of Boyd Craven’s fans who are either independents (like me) or progressives. We’re still preppers, own our share of guns, believe in self reliance, and the traditional values of family, hard work, and self-defense. In cases like this the author’s political opinion can detract from the story, especially when the actual characters are more “middle of the road.” Let me be clear, I could care less if a character is an ultra right militia member or a communist spy set on destroying America. That’s part of a story. My point here is that the writer injects his own politics into an otherwise interesting story. I’d have the same problem regardless of whether that opinion was right or left. It just detracts from the story.

As for the narration, as always, the great Kevin Pierce is singularly magnificent.

I still recommend this first book in the series and plan to buy the next installment.