TLDR – This is a decent enough LitRPG story. I enjoyed it enough to grab the second book, but I’m trying to decide if I’ll get the third. The in-game stuff is pretty good. Entertaining world building and character development. The main character is interesting enough, but I found myself wishing Daggers was the main character more than once. Mostly because she isn’t a massive clueless douche like the main character.

The Good:
World Building
Character Development
Decent storytelling

The Bad:
EVERY SINGLE MOMENT outside of the game and all of the 1980s cheesy bad-guy character plot points attached to every one in his real life. Its so completely cringe-inducing that it feels like Edward Castle lost a bet and had to let some 13 year old write that part of the story. When I say bad… I mean.. absolute eye-rolling, head-shakingly bad.

His mom and dad are basically Bond Villains — but not that cool. Cartoon Bond Villains written by a first year intern.

The chapter introduction lines— quotes from the Bond Villain handbook — make me shake my head. Dear god – its so bad.

Anyways – the rest of it is worth it if you enjoy LitRPG. if you aren’t REALLY into the Game part of LitRPG and listening to a character sheet grow longer and thus take up more of your life every Chapter (sometimes twice a chapter) then maybe skip this.