Okay, I know that mostly the stars seem to be rated “if it’s not 5 stars it’s probably not worth it” but since I actually try to go for a bit more nuanced reviews than yes/no rest assured that even if I give something only four or three stars it doesn’t mean I think it’s not worth one’s time. This one mostly is, the writing is good, the characters interesting, the plot a bit simplistic but not bad, and the way the author uses the fantasy creatures gives them some freshness. The only things about the story I didn’t like that much is that I would have liked the main character doing a bit more investigating, slightly less fighting – I do generally like noir, and I do like action, but for some reason this went just a bit over the top for me – plus

Okay, I guess this needs bit of a SPOILER WARNING – no details, but the complaint does reveal a bit of the plot

I did find the end boss fight too long. He finds the monster, they fight. Then they fight. Then they fight some more… okay, maybe it’s just my age, and the fact that I am not much of a gamer, perhaps that would be more to the taste of younger generations who are. I would have preferred that end fight cut into a few pieces, like they fight, he has to escape the fight or the monster does, then he maybe has to do some investigating to find the monster again – or another way to defeat it – before fighting it again. Or the monster finds him. Not just one extended long fight.


So, all in all: story is good, but not a perfect fit for my taste. The narrator is good. I think the combination made it well worth listening to.