In the future people have volunteered to have their minds recorded and inserted into systems that control space warships. The story starts with one such group of warships who have been involved in some battle and severely damaged. They regroup and repair and then find another ship in a decaying orbit near a gas giant and decide to save it. But things aren’t as they seem.
There is a reasonable amount of character development with several existential questions being posed along the way, including do the warship “minds” have souls and the continuity (Start Trek transporter) problem.
The bad-guy aliens are much as expected but seem almost overpowered and the good guys really shouldn’t stand any chance against them. A bit of suspension of disbelief is required here.
One glaring thing that bugged me was although each warship has an unique ability (teleporting, cloaking, shooting black holes, etc) they each only have one of these abilities because the tech was stolen by humans from aliens and the humans just use it without understanding it and can’t duplicate it. That doesn’t bug me. Then another group of warships arrives to investigate what happened to this group and at least one of these ships has several/all of the abilities “that can’t be duplicated”????
Anyway, overall a very enjoyable, easy read/listen and I will definitely be reading the next book.