This book of the series is ok, but I feel it could have been much better. I never got that feeling of just having to at least finish the chapter just before getting out of the car. How to put this: I think I like the direction the overarching story is going but I’m not sure the journey is as interesting. This book feels more like a side quest, with some main plot twist facts thrown in, so that Hector can gain some dubious “power” that’s more like horizontal progression for him.
I did read some reviews on this book and I do have some comments. some reviews stated that Hector made some ungamer-like decisions. These moments were pretty frustrating for me as well. But, on that point, I’d like to point out that Hector is struggling to keep his original human memories due to having memories continuously being implanted into his mind. so sometimes he approaches situations like a gamer, and that other times he purchased situations like his character would. The other concern most reviews have is with the cliffhanger. I have to disagree with these reviews about how the book ends. I feel that it was pretty decently done and it did have build up throughout the book.
Jeff Hays is the star of this book though. him and his studio do an amazing job with any book that they take up the task for.