To new readers, don’t read this book first. Start at the beginning with book one. To everyone else, the good and the bad. Good: explanations are shorter/condensed and seem to get the point across better than previous books. There is a whole lot more DOING than in some of the other books and its fun to see Eternium flushed out more. Also, kinda nice to see how thing here set up things in the completionist chronicles, gives a lot of setting or just history to what might be up in the other series. Also, there were good twists that I liked with some of the side characters. Bad: new characters and cliff hangers. so not many new characters get introduced, thank goodness, but if there was ANYTHING I had to complain about, and I am pulling out a microscope to find a few, is that some feel like they could have been flushed out a little more. Thats it. they were all lovely and relatable, none felt like theywere a hollow cut out but more on them would have been nice even if it would have derailed the flow a little. Lastly ****SPOILER**** cliff hanger, it ended with an upbeat cliff hanger, but still a cliff hanger. (Sigh…) Oh well. All in all, if you have made it through Arsenal than this is a good one to pick up. The narrator is top notch so it is pleasant to listen to. Would recommend 9/10