I’ll say this much. I have very high standards for a litrpg novel and like all readers; my tastes are specific. LITRPG works are particular in that they seem to attract a more teenage level form of stimulation. That’s kind of how this book read for me. It was close. The MC does struggle with real, adult grief; and the class and progression system was interesting as well. The MC is also intelligent, and he doesn’t suffer from the complete belligerence, some juvenile writers force on their usually male MC’s. The issues with the book lie for me mainly in the dynamics between the MC and the side characters. It’s pretty much like 4 different females who all seem to have the hots for the MC. There is also this annoying way that the book sort of out of the blue drops this super corny loop (with sad music attached lol), wherein the MC “finally understands” something sad about someone else. It’s a bit too melodramatic for me, and something that could be garnered from conversations he has with his side characters to make it more natural and frankly realistic. All in all not bad; may come back to it.