Like I said, The first book was full of these really raw emotions as our survivors barely dodge danger. The second book had some great heart jerking moments too. This third book felt very forced though.

First, the amount of repeated information hurts my soul. Your readers know that the real world is dead, so stop repeating the information for every new NPC the Main characters encounter. As a writer, you never want to repeat information we already know. I assume you are trying to evoke a reaction in us, but each time you repeat it, it becomes less and less impactful.

Second, situations also repeat. New survivors meet baddies, very terrified, barely survive, etc. Our Drow MC intimidates, stupid NPC doesnt listen, Drown absorbs their soul. Many of these scenarios were played out in previous books and they are nothing new.

Third, breaking the fourth wall. While I like the fact that the NPC’s know about the outworlders, like I said, it is repeated too much. Jokes and references to other Litrpgs are nice, but the gnomes rule reference from The Land felt soooooo hollow and cringey. It just didnt work here and I felt insulted.

Fourth, choices. Combat is always the same but with different enemies, it was just sort of “meh”. The choices our MC’s make dont make sense. They throw out money and give handouts everywhere. They become “king and queen” just because they can but they dont have the right personalities or foresight.

Overall, it is still a mildly enjoyable story. The first two books did it well. This book just sort of flew by me not resonating with me. Personally I suggest to stop reading after book two, you arent missing anything fantastic.