I love the D-List Supervillain series, But this book was rather disappointing. To be honest it only felt like half a book. Confessions you have Cal’s rise as a hero and ending spectacularly with his gaining his fame, getting the girl and defeating his arch nemesis. Secrets fills in the gaps of confessions and brings his team and relationship with Stacy to the next level. Origins of course being a prequel ends where Confessions begins. But book 4 lacks any real progression or a satisfying conclusion like the first 3 books. It creates more questions and conflicts without any resolution and feels like its sole purpose is to setup the next book. The only climax to this book is a very underwhelming final battle with Cal rescuing a kidnapped friend that feels like if he died, Cal wouldn’t tear up too bad about it. And because of this, there is a considerable lack of tension.
Personally, I recommend that people should hold off on getting this one and wait for the next book to come out, then experience both this one and that one back to back.
For those of us unfortunate enough to have already listened to this, we can only hope that Jim hurries up with the release and production of Book 5, Hopefully we do not have to wait 2 and a half years for what this book setup.