The author talks about how terrible school has become especially for boys. That you need a business degree to “manage” school. I agree completely. And that boys prefrontal cortex won’t be matured until they are 26.
Basically they can’t win and knowing that they “opt out” All good makes sense
Until he then “teaches us” how to get them to do school. He missed the mark there.
They opt out because it becomes a no win situation for them – much easier for girls. They can’t talk about it because of fear of looking weak. The answer is NOT to change them but to adjust their education to fit who they really are whether it would be homeschooling, dual enrollment, change schools from the ridiculous system that is failing our kids , mostly boys.

Let them win a few and they will grow and gain confidence. Dumbing then down to “do” school seems beyond counterintuitive.
My son now goes to classes and has tutors at home. He is creative and much happier than dealing with the ridiculous busy work, 4/5 different communications from school all spamming notices. It’s like the schools have become ADHD and are scrambling to make their numbers and teaching to the test.

No wonder our teachers are burned out, kids are suicidal, have anxiety, do drugs and drink.
We have failed at our school
System and we blame the kids.


I wish the author wouldn’t have flipped his spot on assessment to making kids be responsible for getting along with the very system that is failing them.

There are many ways to educate kids and for them to get into college if that’s even necessary!

The author needs to update his research on education- not make everyone fit into a one size fits all.