Leveling up and maximizing my skill trees, enemies cower and my ladies want me even in the heat of battle.

Good thing getting down with them unlocks my powers in ways previously incomprehensible, or we might never have stood a chance.

Contains Adult Content. Seriously. A lot.

We have a job to do, and considering that we’re going after the pyramids where the villains have been stealing superpowers and storing them, we’re going to need our wits about us. I wish someone had been able to warn me what I might find in those pyramids, or that I might end up trapped within, having to take control while risking my sanity and ability to ever live a normal life again.

There’s also rumor of the Blue Lady being involved in this next mission. I haven’t decided if that’s a good thing or not, considering the fact that we met her as a revenge-crazed criminal aboard the prison ship. But hey, if she’ll help us infiltrate the pyramids and take down Ranger, who am I to argue?

It’s all in the line of duty.

WARNING: This book contains naughty fun in hot springs, a harem, a sort of dungeon core with insanities galore, and a super attractive lady with blue skin. If you’re looking for some crazy action and to get some blood flowing to your crotch, this is the book for you. If that scares you, be afraid. Be very, very afraid.