Imagine a world where hundreds of millions of people work and play every day. Magic is real, dragons fill the skies, and monsters rampage. Grumpy old wizards cause trouble just for fun.

Io is that world!

Most access the VR game through headgear that allows them to see, hear, feel, even smell the world, almost as if it were real. Alexander Greystone and his guild mates get to test a new full immersion system using prototype pods. With this new tech they can move and cast faster, change up their magic in new and interesting ways. And the food tastes amazing!

But while they test longer and longer immersion periods, anti-tech zealots with a grudge are trying to kill them, both in the game, and in the real world. Lives are lost, or ruined, and the stakes keep rising.

Join Alexander and the Greystone guild as they run dungeons, rescue villagers from monsters, complete quests, and build up a town. All while fighting off a player-killer guild bent on their total destruction, in and out of the game!