Like a sword thru the heart of darkness, this third installment deftly skewers the tried and tired (hey, an anagram) tropes (yep, alliteration) of sci-fi and fantasy; thrusting deeply into the overlapping part of the venn diagram of wry humor and sarcasm like a huge…well, you can visualize it for yourself. The guest appearance of RC Bray for the dueling narrators bit doesn’t just break the fourth wall, it violates it like a torpedo piercing a hapless penguin. Over-protective parents hiding behind the pretense of protecting their progeny from pernicious reality, the righteous religious, the proudly politically correct and other simple Simons/Simone’s should avoid this audiobook like the proverbial plague, as should anyone who characterizes themself as a “mature adult”.

Yes, I loved this one, so sue me.

PS, long live the Kobayashi Maru!

PPS, Who is Matt Damon?