Another exciting story about Jon Reznick helping the FBI catch a killer. Unfortunately, this book made a lot of the politicians in our government look really bad. AND the killer ended up getting away. Maybe he’ll show up in another book.

Reznick worked with Martha Meyerstein again but I gotta say no one seems to sleep in these books.

Reznick is forever popping Dexedrine and he and Martha drink tons of coffee, as if that’s the cure for never needing sleep. It’s really kind of silly.

Also, one reviewer gave it 1 or 2 stars because Martha, as Assistant Director of the FBI, went out into the field, Martha being “middle age” and all. Well, Martha is in her 30’s and if that’s “middle age” then I’m ancient.

This was a very good story and again I totally enjoyed it. There wasn’t any kind of sex or thoughts of sex but the F-bomb was used 57 times.

As to the narration: Jeffery Kafer, again, has a great reading voice and his men are perfect but his women’s voices still stink AND still I don’t mind. If there had been any kind of romance I would have minded.