Disappointed. Good action but meh plot. Many illogical plot holes and character discontinuities and bad pseudo science fantasies. The most offensive is our two main heroes’ betrayal and murder of the princess, a bitch move. It kills the book. Authors do this when their plot sucks and they’re off deadline. That makes sense because the plot is juvenile; It’s a fubar’d rescue attempt by a hotshot. Certainly, something so important would have more resources devoted to it. The “wormhole”” wouldn’t park them onto the same planet. You can’t make a predicable hero assassinate what he’s sworn to defend because now there isn’t any trust in what will happen in the future. It’s an idiotic train wreck. Biggest plot holes: If the hive mind can comm anywhere through the multiverse, then why would’t they just have everything delivered to them? Also, a symbiote that compels and feeds off of dangerous behavior would not live long enough to reproduce. So from a basic evolutionary biology perspective, kind of insulting. Thus, meh. This author killed my interest in any more of his work when he killed the princess. The cliffhanger is the cheap icing on the shit cake. Hard pass on his next book.