With post-apocalyptic novels it sometimes feels like everything can get a bit over-complicated. Sometimes the focus is on too many places or people. Sometimes the focus zooms out to the world and back in to the main character too many times. Sometimes the main character(s) get lost for what the world is going through. This book avoids those pretty well. The characters are well writing and the author appears to have had help in writing the female co-main character. She feels real and varied in emotion and response. The story focuses on the two main characters which is its strength and also is setting up the mystery of what happened. It does tend to slow down a little bit but also at the time same time not quite make it clear how much time has elapsed at times. The reveal was good although the ending was just a little bit too quick and needed a few more details. It was a good story though and the main characters were solid and interesting to sojourn with. Pick it up if you want a little quieter take on the end of the world. Final Grade – B+