This story is good. The prepper in everyone should be awakened from this kind of story (unless you are already in that mindset which is why you are looking into this type of book). This story discusses how evil man can be and what one will have to do to survive in a world ruled by evil men. I feel having Marcus Battle as a combat veteran is very logical where I cannot see normal citizens being able to go through this scenario successfully. I appreciate that realism by the author.
I like to take the time to imagine myself in the character’s shoes and try and see what I would do better. It is not good to think the author should have changed the actions of characters based on what you would do personally as you do not necessarily know the experience the author is pulling from for these scenarios. With that said, the actions of Marcus Battle in this series is almost exactly how I would react in this situation with some minor differences.
If you like PA type stories, this one is a good one. However, the situation that causes this PA scenario is quite scary. No EMP here, disease. Which is super scary.
I highly recommend this series as I am starting the next 3 book set. The ONLY negative thing I have to say is the narrator is not my favorite. I have heard far worse, but he is number 2 or 3 on my favorite list. The change in character voices puts him high on my list but he is no Duke Fontaine. 2 thumbs up for this book set and the narrator. Great work.