What an exciting story! Following Piper’s unforeseen adventure was a little exhausting but so much fun to follow. I couldn’t help but be on the edge of my seat at times. As I listen to the story unforced, I can picture it all in my mind’s eye. It was like I was watching an action packed movie in my head. It was great!

I really enjoyed the twists & turns the story took as it unfolded. The characters are enjoyable even with all their faults, but that makes for a good story, I think. My favorite character, though, has to be Lyre. I love his light banter with Ash; plus his consistent flirtatious ness with Pipper. It’s fun to listen to & makes the story more enjoyable.

I’m looking forward to starting the next book immediately so I can find out more about Ash & Pipper’s family history. And hopefully, Lyre will provide even more fun entertainment given his company of friends. Lol!