Mark Goodwin did it again God is really blessing Him with these amazing Christ-filled Faith Based Fictional Apocalyptic Books. these books really speak to me God is really using these books to wake me up to keep my eyes on Jesus and to always make sure to repent and keep our eyes on the word and always do the best we can to live our lives with the glory of God. Also we all should want every single day to do the Lord’s will that he has for our lives. I pray that the Lord’s will is made clear to me every single day. I know that the more I get into the Word of God & the more I pray & seek the Lord Jesus thru praying & fasting I Definitely know with all my heart that the Lord’s will is going to be done in my life. All for the Glory Of My Savior Jesus Christ. thank you Mark these books are amazing!! they Just keep getting better and better. I was also wanted to see if there would ever be a chance in the future if there would ever be like a spin off of different characters of this series that we could get to know more like a different group of people during the same time frame. I was always wondering if there would ever be a series where they would continue this storyline with the character of the Antichrist being the same person and you know peacekeepers and stuff but a different group of believers. and get to see what they went through and how Jesus brought them where they are to be used for his Glory & Righteousness. I love your books each series just keeps getting better. I love having such a big selection of different Christian books I can listen to I LOVE THIS!!!! Kevin Pearce The Narrator his voice just keeps getting better every time. to read the book I feel like I can relate so clearly when I hear his voice he sounds just like a person that I would know in my life that I could talk and learn because I like to learn from people that are older than me and have so much knowledge and he’s got that voice that has a lot of wisdom. I believe God’s to use him mightily in these days. Kevin Pierce you got a brilliant future ahead that God is going to use you for I feel in my heart. don’t ever feel discouraged because your reaching people and I thank you for reading these beautiful books written by a wonderful man and a brother in Christ Mark Goodwin. I look forward to the future books by Mark Goodwin. I pray that Kevin Pearce continues to be the narrator for Mark Goodwin’s books. either way I know that forever be a great fan both Mark Goodwin and Kevin Pearce. Mark Goodwin is a brother in Christ and I stand with my brothers and sisters in Christ. May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all of us and over you Mark and your family I pray for you & your families protection I pray that you will have peace & our blessed and everything your families hands touch prosper. please please read these books if you have not they will change your life. and always remember he loves to put the scriptures in here with the book in every series. I absolutely love when he does that and I always like to compare the scriptures to what the word of God says from that scripture to make sure they match always make sure to when you hear the scripture or read the scripture in Mark Goodwin’s books he’s a brother in Christ so I know they are accurate. but always do your best to open your Bible and to compare to make sure they’re 100% correct so if they aren’t we can let him know that there might be a typo or something there never is but it’s always good to be a vigilant brother or sister & be a watchman on the wall. it’s another way we can help Mark make sure there’s no typos or anything. I always thought about doing that just to make sure and I’m going to start making sure I do that as well just to make sure we all can work together as a family of God. and Mark it’s way of being helpful so that way if there is any typos or anything we can let you know. I pray you don’t take offense to that it’s out of pure respect for you and your writing. God bless everyone. and I ask everyone to think if they can find and try better book than marks you’re never going to find one that’s a Christian fiction book. I can honestly say for the first time in a long time I like these books by Mark Goodwin even more than I love the Left behind series. I find more accuracy and more biblical accuracy through mark goodwins books. I love at the beginning he doesn’t put a Time or a day or a year cuz the Bible says we don’t know when but we know when it’s near & even at the door. I feel Mark Goodwin’s books are just so real like he shows the characters how they really would be if they were real. you can feel what they’re feeling and your emotions can match with the person the book that you like the most is feeling. I can truly feel Emilio’s feelings I really can relate to him and some of the things he was going through with his thoughts and his feelings we when I was younger we all go through that period of doubting things sometimes about our faith not even on purpose sometimes by accident. I love how we saw Emilio grow in his faith. it reminded me just how I grew & still am growing in my faith. and no one will ever persuade me otherwise I will always believe in Jesus Christ I will always believe in the power of God and the words of the Holy Bible. going to never change my mind because I know it’s real I know it’s true and there’s nothing in my mind that could ever go back I love believing in Jesus and I know with all my heart I will see him like one day and be in his arms and be able to hug my Jesus. I know that no matter how life can be difficult and how hard life can get and sometimes it feels like everything seems to go against us. the thing that keeps me so strong is knowing that soon will be able to hug and be in the arms of Jesus we will be able to bow down and worship our King. it makes everything we’re going through worth it please read this book it will change the way you look at everything it will bring you closer to the Lord. I believe every time we read a book that’s faith-based and accurate like Mark’s books it really helps build a stronger personal relationship with Jesus.