I’m not sure I understand the reviews about the narrator. Y’all had me expecting an elderly woman with a cigarette in her mouth. I thought she was lovely.

The story is young, but if you keep your expectations in check, it’s enjoyable. It did remind me a lot of Amy A Bartol’s Premonition Series, as another reviewer mentioned.

I can handle the “youth” of the book just fine as I like the premise. My only real issue was with how many conversations she “just so happened” to overhear. I think the author could’ve found a better way to give the reader that information. Once? Okay. Twice? Eh.. multiple times throughout the book? Come on, now.

All in all, I did enjoy the book and do not regret the time spent in this series. Is it my top 10? No. But it was a nice way to pass the time. Give this story a chance and keep your mind open.