This lost my interest after a while. I think it was the hijinks that kept happening were getting exhausting, not that it wasn’t fun to follow along, but just so slow. The pacing was off with the story. After a while i found myself skipping ahead on the audio in 30 second increments over and over again after getting tired of the aimless repetitive snarky banter and hijinks

I still sorta adored this book enough to finish it. The romance is what kept me hooked. Ive never read a book about romance with a blind person. How it was portrayed was so sensual and loving. The character development was refreshing and different. You don’t often have a book start off with a newly blind character and learning how a caregiver and the blind person are navigating the situation. Its unfortunate though this was a single point of view from the seeing character as i constantly still felt like there was just something missing to get the reader more invested.

The majority of the Erotic moments were unfortunately not as vividly explained. Which is a shame as i sorta expected a blind person i think would have a lot of reliability on touch and exploration that could have been explored better. Instead the sexual encounters were so briefly explained and done/over with in a few minutes without as many emotions expressed that I’m used to. There was only one scene that was unconventional as it explored how a blind person is learning to ‘see’ someone’s body. But even that scene was not that well written either because it just was done with too quickly as well, i wasnt given enough to get the feels to enjoy even that.

I think this book would have benefited a lot if it was told through multiple points of view. I was bored with the story from the seeing character. It would have been cool to have the point of view from the blind person and we could understand what he was thinking during a lot of these sensual or conflicting moments.

I do not really recommend this book, only because i feel like there’s a lot of books in the world that are better worth your time

The ‘variety’ this book attempts of trying to bring in a blind character was a missed opportunity due to poor writing and it turns into just another snarky romance with a overarching slow burn mystery that isn’t terribly interesting. I feel like the book just wasn’t researched well enough to know how to portray a blind character in a realistic but entertaining way as it all ended up feeling so generic toward the end.