A Treasure of a Find !!………85 hours of great story telling!! If you liked the short lived TV series Firefly,you will love Galaxy Outlaws. Basically it is the complete collection of all 16 Black Ocean Missions………and that is the beauty of it !!

Great stories so you can listen to a few ,listen to something else,and then come back later and listen to a few more .

OR……..break out the coffee and Binge Listen away.

Think Star Trek as an opportunistic merchant vessel for hire with thousands of worlds,human and not.

All amidst a thriving intergalactic economy with an enormous central core of civilized regulated worlds with laws and regulation.

BUT,the further out you go the less laws and regulations there are…until.. …you are in proverbial semi-lawless heaven.

Sound like fun ??…It is……..Sound like an inspiration for the movie Guardians Of The Galaxy ?? I would think so.

But Galaxy Outlaws stands on it’s own .Character Development?? Gradual peeling off of onion layers of what predated the crew getting together,new crew added on as new adventures unfold. Sci FI mixed with a bit of paranormal ??

Buy it and enjoy………It will become part of your library you will return to.again and again.

Probably you will experience more books by J.S. Morin . I intend to and have read reviews saying that they are all different.