First off, this was a novel idea. A fantasy story told from the villains’s point of view. It’s been done a few times before. This one isn’t much different, but has a few clever ideas in there. This time, the bad guy can travel into different realms, this one just happens to be fantasy. Id kind of like to see other realms in there. Sci fi, horror, and the like. Let this character have some real fun. There are several predicable moments, and a few surprise hits. The ending featured both, as the real bad guy, while being exactly who you think it is, ended up beaten by the one thing you didn’t expect. I could have done without the sex scene,though, but at least it had a purpose. The narration is top notch, as I’ve come to expect from Jeffery Kafer. There’s enough difference in the characters to differentiate them from each other. Overall, a really good book, and I look forward to book 2.
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